Так как большинство проголосовало все-таки за то, чтобы, то вот.
Во-первых, спасибо тому доброму человеку, который выложил ЭТО в интернет.
Во-вторых, спасибо
keltik2001 за то, что она это нашла.

Итак, саммари спектакля. В первозданном виде. На английском ))) Спойлерно !
читать дальшеOkay! I got this summary mostly from fan blog posts and reviews, so accuracy may be questionable. *laugh* Nevertheless, you’re sure to be spoiled for the play Mirage of Blaze: Yonakidori Blues, and likely the books it’s based on, so GO NO FURTHER if you don’t want to know what happens!
It’s Showa 33, ten years since the end of WWII. At restaurant Regalo near Shinbashi, Kagetora Uesugi is a waiter under the name Kenzo Kase; Kakizaki Haruie is a singer named Mari (pics of her in earlier posts). At a nearby hospital, Nobutsuna Naoe is med school student Naoki Kasahara; Katsunaga Irobe has kansho-ed himself into a doctor, Yukio Sasaki (see picture below).

They are regular patrons of Regalo. Everyone’s at Regalo because they feel spiritual power from Kuchiki, the bodyguard there (see below).

Kuchiki, a former kamikaze pilot who lost many comrades in WWII, feels immense survivor’s guilt. Hired as a bodyguard at Regalo, he lives a good life, all things considered …
Until his dead fellow soldiers start showing up. The kamikaze ghosts try to convince Kuchiki to die and join them. (I’m interested to see how the play and books handle this–it could be a great allegory for survivors’ guilt.) Kagetora/Kase steps in and chases the kamikaze ghosts away with his spiritual power. But Kuchiki grows confused, wondering if he’s not already dead.
Meanwhile, med student Naoe/Naoki rescues his underclassman Sakiguchi (see the picture after this paragraph), who is being chased by something.

Born in a village where a dragon god is enshrined, he is aware that those called the “Dragon’s Scales,” under the dragon god’s protection, are being targeted. His aunt, a priestess, knew of the approaching danger and came to warn Sakiguchi. But she was murdered, and the spirit of the dragon fled her body. It has settled in the body of a distant relative—Minako! (All Mirage fans should gasp and say “uh-oh” at this point.) Naoe/Naoki begins guarding Minako. (Oh dear.) Minako grows a crush on Naoe/Naoki. (Oh dear x1000.)

Naoki/Naoe drops Minako off at her apartment, which is immediately set on fire by bad guys. Naoki/Naoe rescues her and meets up with Kase/Kagetora, and Kuchiki. Kuchiki takes one look at Minako and nearly faints in fear at the incredible spiritual power she’s packing now. He asks Kagetora/Kase for help. He just wants a normal life, not knowing about any of this.
An apparent gang leader named James D. Hando (take a look at that picture–were they serious?) shows up and tries to take off with Minako, who has apparently been hospitalized by this point. Naoki/Naoe tries to protect her, but when they are pinned down, she uses the power of the dragon. The immense power takes her over.

Kuchiki shows up and tries to kill Minako. It turns out that earlier, Hando found him and revealed the truth: he, Hando, is Ranmaru Mori, and Kuchiki is in fact Nobunaga Oda. However, because Kuchiki had no memories, even Mari/Haruie wasn’t able to sense him.
Big fight. The Yasha-shuu win, Kuchiki and Handou disappear, Minako reverts back to a normal girl. She no longer needs Naoki/Naoe to protect her. She hopefully asks if he has “someone his heart is set on.” “Yes,“ says Naoki/Naoe, "there is someone I am always thinking of.”
Collected opinions:
The give-and-take between Kuchiki, Kase/Kagetora, and Haruie/Mari was pretty fun, though some think Act I was a bit talky.
The special effects were awesome, including Minako’s burning apartment and the spiritual battles.
Kase/Kagetora was "cool,” though I wonder in what way!
This isn’t an opinion, but apparently Kuwabara-sensei is calling this the last MoB story. Aww, I hope not. I’d love to see the gang through the ages.
Если кто-то найдет чего еще интересного на эту тему - выкладывайте, не стесняйтесь!
эпоха Сёва,
И мне нравится пересказ) содержит все, что угодно, кроме отношений Наоэ и Кагеторы)))
Арамаки в шапкета гдеКагетораТомита его у сугроба зажимает, а тот ржотТомита там на стульчик стал чтоли? При его 1,71 см.......
может,это Арамаки по колено в
землюсугроб закопали?..Томита там на стульчик стал чтоли? При его 1,71 см.......
Прикопал Наоэ в сугроб)))
ну не притворятся же, будто мы приличные люди
гумноМари, зашедшую невовремя...Люблю онлайн переводчики... Что там Минако на Наоэ выращивает?
keltik2001, ты им ничего не сделала!
keltik2001, ты им ничего не сделала!
Ветренная баба, я ее заранее не люблю
*сейчас еще и на русском выложим )))*